Occupational therapy supports people whose physical or mental health, environment or social circumstances make it difficult to take part in the activities that matter to them.

An occupational therapist will work with patient to identify strengths and difficulties they may have in everyday life. This might include tasks like dressing or getting to the shops. They'll work with the patient to find practical solutions.

Part of occupational therapy may involve making an environment suitable for the patients needs. This could be at home, workplace or where they are studying, and may involve changes such as:

  • putting in ramps to allow access in a wheelchair
  • fitting a stairlift
  • installing grab rails by the stairs or beside the bed
  • providing a raised toilet seat, bath lift or shower seat
  • clearing up clutter, reorganising cupboards or providing visual cues so you can safely move around and reach what you need

For more information please visit Occupational therapy - NHS (www.nhs.uk)